• Meeting was called to order.
• Commission President thanked and welcomed everyone for coming to the meeting.
• President introduced himself and the Treasurer and Vice President.
• President referred to the agenda and informed everyone that there will be timeallowed for any issues not on the agenda.
• President informed everyone that the meeting was being videotape for easiertranscribing of minutes.
• Commission President thanked and welcomed everyone for coming to the meeting.
• President introduced himself and the Treasurer and Vice President.
• President referred to the agenda and informed everyone that there will be timeallowed for any issues not on the agenda.
• President informed everyone that the meeting was being videotape for easiertranscribing of minutes.
ITEM #1: President requested more residents to join the Commission because the Vice President would soon be stepping down and the President was looking to step down in the near future. He then mention that the Secretary position was opened and Mike Sargent wished to fill the role. A vote was taken and Mike Sargent was elected to the position. The next available position was Beautification and John Steele wished to fill that role. After describing what the role involved a vote was taken and he was elected to the position.
ITEM #2: The Treasurer provided a Financial Summary: 54% Homeowner Dues have been collected. There is $3,367.52 in the Community Savings. The Treasurer asked if there were any questions, there were none and she concluded the report.
ITEM #3: Mike Sargent was introduced to present a demonstration of the Enka Village Website. The web address and password was provided to the group. Internet was not available and could not show much of the website.
ITEM #4: Several lights were out on Hillcrest St., only two (2) were working. and despite the outages, the Commission was still receiving electric bills. The Treasurer contacted Duke Energy to fix the lights, because Hillcrest is considered to be outside City limits, they would not fix them. A resident from Hillcrest St. in attendance informed the Commission that they would be willing to fix the problem themselves by climbing up ladders and replacing the light bulbs. The Commission informed the Hillcrest Residents in attendance to inform the Commission when a bulb goes out and they would fix the problem themselves.
• It was suggested to convert the old fashion light bulbs to LED light bulbs. LED bulbs would save on cost and last longer.
• Treasurer was asked how much the bill was on average, she replied $30-$40
• President agreed to assume that task of researching the conversion. He knew the person who was handling the conversions to LED for the City of Asheville.
• A Resident informed everyone that the street lights were controlled by a timer. He would personally adjust the timer to compensate for power outages and time changes.
• The President requested to be shown how that was done
• Treasurer was asked how much the bill was on average, she replied $30-$40
• President agreed to assume that task of researching the conversion. He knew the person who was handling the conversions to LED for the City of Asheville.
• A Resident informed everyone that the street lights were controlled by a timer. He would personally adjust the timer to compensate for power outages and time changes.
• The President requested to be shown how that was done
ITEM #5: The President explained that the sidewalks on Hillcrest St. are in pretty bad shape. Once again Hillcrest St. is outside City limits and not serviced by the City so it becomes that the Neighborhood has to fix and absorb the costs involved.
• The President suggested to think of a Community wide fund raiser to raise money for the repairs.
• It was recommended to get an estimate of costs for the repairs and approach the Biltmore Lake Commission for financial assistance.
• The President suggested to think of a Community wide fund raiser to raise money for the repairs.
• It was recommended to get an estimate of costs for the repairs and approach the Biltmore Lake Commission for financial assistance.
ITEM #6: The meeting was turned over to Emily Dezio to discuss the upcoming Kickball fundraiser. The Enka Team is being formed and several items will be sold to raise money. Items include Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and T-Shirts. No funds from the commission is funding the event. Emily is paying for the T-Shirts. All money raised is being split 50/50 with Bent Creek which is a win win since Bent Creek outnumbers Enka Village with the number of households.
• Emily was asked where it was being played and she provided directions.
• Emily was asked where it was being played and she provided directions.
ITEM #7: The President introduced Bruce Fleming to discuss repaving Orchard Ave. Orchard Ave. is the alley road running between Crescent St., Pine St., and Orchard St. He received an estimate for the repaving of the road and it broke down to $250.00 per household that backed up to Orchard Ave. (even numbered addresses on Crescent & Pine St. and odd numbered addresses on Orchard St.)
• Bruce Fleming canvased Orchard Street to talk to residents and gauge their
receptiveness to the project and the cost. He talked to seven (7) residents which
five (5) were willing to put money down for their portion.
• Bruce Fleming requested the Commission two items; 1. Organize a Community Day that
volunteers in the community would be willing to work on Orchard Ave. 2. Address the
issues concerning Orchard Ave. at the entrance from Sandhill Rd. since he considers
it park of Enka Park.
• The President agreed to organize a Community Day.
• Bruce Fleming informed that personally has attempted to fill in the hole in the
ground in Enka Park with little success.
• The Commission President stated contacted the City of Asheville Storm Water Division
about the issues of Enka Park. They told him the park was too far back from the road
to receive and assistance from them.
• Concerns were raised about households having to pay extra due to households not
willing to pay their share toward the project.
• A resident, in attendance, explained that years ago (1980’ish) when he was on the
Commission, they investigated repaving Orchard Ave. but it was determined it was
useless to repave until the ditches and water run-off were fixed first.
• The water collecting and pooling in Enka Park was explained that the storm water
drain is on the opposite side of where the water collects and is approx. A foot above
ground level impeding draining.
• Another resident in attendance stated they do no utilize Orchard Ave. except for
maintenance issues or for dropping items off in the back yard, but was willing to
participate to maintain the neighborhood.
• A motion was made and carried to schedule a separate meeting to take a census of
residents and discuss the project further.
• Commission President agreed to work with the Beautification Officer to organize a
Community Day to work on Orchard Ave.
• Bruce Fleming canvased Orchard Street to talk to residents and gauge their
receptiveness to the project and the cost. He talked to seven (7) residents which
five (5) were willing to put money down for their portion.
• Bruce Fleming requested the Commission two items; 1. Organize a Community Day that
volunteers in the community would be willing to work on Orchard Ave. 2. Address the
issues concerning Orchard Ave. at the entrance from Sandhill Rd. since he considers
it park of Enka Park.
• The President agreed to organize a Community Day.
• Bruce Fleming informed that personally has attempted to fill in the hole in the
ground in Enka Park with little success.
• The Commission President stated contacted the City of Asheville Storm Water Division
about the issues of Enka Park. They told him the park was too far back from the road
to receive and assistance from them.
• Concerns were raised about households having to pay extra due to households not
willing to pay their share toward the project.
• A resident, in attendance, explained that years ago (1980’ish) when he was on the
Commission, they investigated repaving Orchard Ave. but it was determined it was
useless to repave until the ditches and water run-off were fixed first.
• The water collecting and pooling in Enka Park was explained that the storm water
drain is on the opposite side of where the water collects and is approx. A foot above
ground level impeding draining.
• Another resident in attendance stated they do no utilize Orchard Ave. except for
maintenance issues or for dropping items off in the back yard, but was willing to
participate to maintain the neighborhood.
• A motion was made and carried to schedule a separate meeting to take a census of
residents and discuss the project further.
• Commission President agreed to work with the Beautification Officer to organize a
Community Day to work on Orchard Ave.
ITEM #8: The President mentioned the car that was recently broke into and asked if anyone could provide any details.
• Amy Good stated that her Neighbor’s car that was broke into was left un-locked
• President spoke to how safe the neighbor is with regards that there are neighbors who
look out for each other, question suspicious activities, people and cars.
• Amy Good stated that her Neighbor’s car that was broke into was left un-locked
• President spoke to how safe the neighbor is with regards that there are neighbors who
look out for each other, question suspicious activities, people and cars.
The President explained that Amy Good has done research regarding safety. Several
options are available to us.
• A Resource Officer could attend a meeting to explain and answer questions regarding a
Neighborhood Watch Community.
• Signs could be provided announcing that it is a Neighborhood Community Watch.
• President explained that Firefighters from the recent gas leak fire, as a community
the best thing we could do is simply know and look out for each other, know your
• A motion was offered and carried to further investigate this issue.
options are available to us.
• A Resource Officer could attend a meeting to explain and answer questions regarding a
Neighborhood Watch Community.
• Signs could be provided announcing that it is a Neighborhood Community Watch.
• President explained that Firefighters from the recent gas leak fire, as a community
the best thing we could do is simply know and look out for each other, know your
• A motion was offered and carried to further investigate this issue.
ITEM #9: Neighborhood cleanup was omitted in order to discuss concerns regarding speeding vehicles in the neighborhood. The Treasurer explained that there is a petition to have officials come out and observe traffic patterns and offer recommendations based on their observations to help control the speeding issue. One signature per household totaling 40% off households in the Village to get it approved. Once the report is completed, several items can be provided with no cost to the neighborhood.
• Speed limit signs.
• Door knob hangers
• Speed Bumps
Motion offered and carried to form a committee to further investigate this issue.
• Speed limit signs.
• Door knob hangers
• Speed Bumps
Motion offered and carried to form a committee to further investigate this issue.
It was requested for everyone present at the meeting to introduce themselves. Everyone introduced themselves and where they lived.
The Meeting was then concluded from official business and opened for any other issues.
• The newly elected Beautification officer asked for volunteers to help with trimming
low hanging tree limbs blocking areas of pedestrian traffic along the sidewalks. It
was suggested to get the residents permission that had offending trees planted in
front of their houses before cutting. It was then suggested that we contact the City
to do it, but it was decided not to.
The Meeting was then concluded from official business and opened for any other issues.
• The newly elected Beautification officer asked for volunteers to help with trimming
low hanging tree limbs blocking areas of pedestrian traffic along the sidewalks. It
was suggested to get the residents permission that had offending trees planted in
front of their houses before cutting. It was then suggested that we contact the City
to do it, but it was decided not to.
The Commission President announced that the City of Asheville’s budget was being finalized and if anyone wanted a tree planted in front of their house to inform him.
Vice President explained the “Yard of the Month” was still occurring and was currently held by a residence on Lake Drive. The VP was attempting to contact the residents and find out the next winner. The previous winner of the Y.O.M informed the VP he would be willing to pick a new winner if need.
A request for a report of Heritage Day was requested. The Treasurer responded that financially we broke even. She suggested next year a sub-committee be formed to properly plan for the event.
The meeting was officially concluded.
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