Tuesday, November 17, 2015


April 8th, 2015 at 7 p.m. Enka Public Library
Meeting was called to order by Eric Bradford, Enka Village Commission President.
  • Eric Bradford introduced the current Commission Officers: Himself as President, John Steele – Beautification, Mike Sargent – Secretary and Amy Good – Treasurer
  • Agenda was re-organized, moving the Jacob Holmes noise issue from topic # 7 to #1 to facilitate Biltmore Lake residents who were present and in attendance for the noise issue
  • Enka Village Commission has been communicating with John Manson; Capital Improvement Manager for Jacob Holms Industries (referred to as JHI)
  • Communications indicating that Enka Village appreciates the fact their expansions have created jobs, Village residents work at JHI, but, their machinery is affecting the quality of life in our neighborhood and the surrounding area.
  • Area that encompasses JHI has been re-zoned to “industrial” and is considered to be in the County so the plant does not fall under any noise-ordinance issues.
  • Enka Village is communicating with John Manson in hopes to reach a mutual resolution to this issue since there is no legal precedence available.
  • When JHI expanded Buncombe County supported and invested in the expansion due to the jobs creation the expansion was creating.
  • Please see this webpage detailing Buncombe County’s 2014 Incentive Agreement with JHI:
  • http://www.buncombecounty.org/common/Commissioners/20140107/Incentive%20Agmt%20Final.pdf
  • Hawking (Hillcrest Street resident) asked if OSHA has been contacted with regards to the problem, at this point no had known if they had.
  • Eric Bradford indicated that essentially “we are over a barrel” and the best course of action to get results was to rely on their willingness to make the necessary changes if not than at that point research other avenues
  • JHI contracted an independent company to conduct a survey with regards to the noise being emitted from JH. The study has been completed and JH engineers are reviewing the findings. The study has not yet been released to the public
  • Enka Village Commissions’ stance is to wait until the JHI expansion is complete and make necessary changes.
  • Hawkins indicated that if the noise is below 65 decibels they can operate for 8 hours according to OSHA. Eric Bradford indicated having no knowledge of OSHA’s involvement but these are great items to consider and looking for suggestions and feedback concerning the noise issue.
  • Eric Bradford read the last email he received from John Manson before the Commission Meeting
  • Eric Bradford explained what that meant was once they identify the resolution to the problem it could take some time to implement those changes
  • Eric Bradford believes JHI truly wants to fix the problem. John Manson is backed by the senior management at JHI and sends Eric weekly emails about the situation, even if Eric has not emailed him.
  • All emails received from John Manson are cc’d to Bill McManus, head of the Biltmore Lake HOA. The Board of Directors for Biltmore Lake are in agreement with Enka Village’s wait and see stance.
  • JHI has requested Enka Village and Biltmore Lake to funnel future communications through Eric Bradford or Bill McManus to avoid receiving multiple calls of complaints
  • Since the Enka Village Facebook Group is a closed group another Group page called Candler Community was created to provide a forum for questions and updates regarding the noise issue. It is an open group so it is available to anyone to join. It will feature any and all events relating to and affecting neighborhood residents in the Candler area
  • Eric Bradford introduced Laura Pease (Biltmore Lake resident) to discuss Biltmore Lake’s position
  • Laura explained she was not a Board or HOA representative but her next door neighbor was the President and is up to speed on events through conversations with him.
  • Laura explained that Biltmore Lake’s position was identical to Enka Village and offered that if communications break down in the future that other neighborhoods with a vested interest in the noise issue from JHI should become involved and form a stronger complaint with lager numbers involved possibly developing a class-action style complaint
  • Eric thanked Laura for her information and emphasized the importance of moving forward working together to rectify the situation
  • An open Community wide meeting is scheduled for May 4th at 7 pm at the Enka Public Library to discuss this issue. Official representatives from JHI will be invited to join the meeting
  • The JHI noise issue was concluded Biltmore Lake Residents thanked everyone for allowing them to attend the meeting and left
  • Status/Voting of Commission Officers
  • Returning back to the Agenda Eric Bradford re-introduced the Board Commissioners and announced the current Officers would like to remain for another year if there were no other contenders for those positions, there were none
  • David Allbach made a motion to keep the current officers in place, it was seconded and passed.
  • Eric Bradford mentioned that the VP Commission spot was available and that Glenn Satterfield wished to be considered for that post. Eric asked if there was anybody else interested in the position, there were none. Eric Bradford made a mention to elect Glenn Satterfield as VP, it was seconded and passed. Glenn Satterfield is now Enka Village Commission VP
  • Welcome New Neighbors
  • Eric welcomed new neighbors to the Village and in attendance at the meeting and sadly reported the Judds on Crescent Street were moving.
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Amy explained that the Commission will be contacting Scott Schuller for an update regarding the street lights on Hillcrest Street
  • Ashley Tweed asked if the Village has received money from Bent Creek for the Kickball Challenge, and the answer was YES, we received approximately $136.00
  • Facebook Page standards and practice
  • Eric reminded everyone that the Enka Village Facebook page is a closed group meant for and used by residents of the Village. Villagers post pictures of their kids, various parties, their houses, etc. and they don’t want outsiders seeing that
  • Being approved to the page depends on three factors
    • Do you currently live in Enka Village
    • Did you grow up in Enka Village
    • Do you currently have family or relatives in Enka Village
    • If they answer “no” to any or all of these questions they have no business being on the Enka Village Facebook page.
  • Admins for the Facebook page will be current board officers
  • Upcoming events
    • Recapped Festival of Neighborhoods
    • Reminded everyone of the upcoming Village yard sale (April 11th), Community cleanup (April 18th)
    • Heritage Day, Mike Sargent agreed to contact Brian Cook in organizing the details for the event
    • Progressive dinners? Amy Good agreed to organize an upcoming progressive dinner
    • John Steele announced a cleanup of the dead brush running along the tops of Orchard, Pine and Oak Streets
    • City Arborist will be planting new trees throughout the Village at Resident’s locations whom requested them
    • July 4th Village Celebration
  • Open Floor
    • David Allbach offered a suggestion for the street lights on Hillcrest Street, Mr. Hawkins reminded him that no changes could be made that are in conflict with the Enka Village Bi-Laws. It was stated that the bi-laws were implemented back in the 1950’s and a lot has changed since then and maybe they need to be looked and changed. Mike Sargent volunteered to form a committee to review, change and update items in the bi-laws. An Enka Village meeting will be called to address those and vote on with the Community
    • Yard of the Month will resume in May
    • Reminder that April 21st is the Book Club meeting at Amy Good’s house
    • Mary Lou Surgi announced she was digging up her raspberries offered them to anyone who wants some
    • Concerns about the sewer system was brought up and decided a sub-committee needs to be formed to investigate and possible problems and fix them pro-actively rather than re-actively.
Motion made to conclude meeting, seconded and the meeting was officially concluded.

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