Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Minutes from April 7 community meeting

APRIL 7, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:10pm at the Enka Library. All streets but
One was represented.
1. Resignations (all resignations effective May 15, 2011): Todd Lewis is resigning as president of the Commission. Hillary Cole is resigning as Treasurer of the Commission. Heather Jamison Jones is resigning as Secretary of the Commission. Robin Silver is resigning as Beautification Chair. The commissioners feel it would be good to allow more people to participate in their commission and would like for the positions to be filled with someone new every year to encourage more community involvement.
2. Current Budget Issues: $1,120.11 received in dues as of April 7, 2011, average yearly expense is $1,950.00, leaving the community $830.00 short for the yearly expense. The bank account has $2,034.27 on deposit, and $2,792.35 in a CD for a total of $4,826.62 in the accounts. **Just a friendly reminder to those who have not mailed their payment in to please do so**
3. Election of Commissioners: Ballots are due by May 15th, and the ballots will be included with a copy of the last meeting minutes.
4. Assessments: An accounting of assessments received-. As of the meeting 43 homes of 99 had paid their dues. All property owners are legally liable for the expenses that Enka Village incurs every year. These expenses are everything from the cost of the neighborhood storm water cost from the city, to the insurance on the park in the event of an accident. If something happened to someone on park property and the community was sued it would place a lien against every property that is part of Enka Village. If we do not keep the park mowed the City can fine the community as a whole-and each property owner would be involved, and the same with the storm water expense. Thank you to those who paid more than their dues to help ensure our community is kept beautiful, safe, and enjoyable for everyone!
5. The Park Property: The Park property was discussed and some suggestions were made as to how we could turn that property over to the City or County. One community member will check with the city real estate person to see if the city is in a position yet to take the Park. Another person will check with the county to see if it would be willing to take the Park as part of their green space. If neither the city nor county will do so, our third option is to see if the developer’s of the project at the Enka Plant will take the property as part of their greenway plans.
6. Community Clean-up Update: Ten community residents joined together on Saturday April 9th, 2011 for another community clean-up event and picnic lunch. They cleaned up the park and laid the leftover brick from the sign project around the sign’s planting bed. They also cleaned up trash in the right-of-way throughout the neighborhood and worked on thinning out the overgrown weeds and picked up trash at the top of Orchard, Pine and Oak Streets. The City will be picking up that debris and trash in the next week or so. Thank you to all of you who came to help keep our community clean and safe for everyone’s enjoyment! Note: The City will be placing an “Adopt-a-Street sign along Orchard Street. The commission has officially adopted the entire community for the Adopt-a-Street clean-up program but the City would only let us put one sign in the neighborhood, and since Orchard has the most residents it was decided to place it there. The Meeting concluded at 8:15pm.
