Submitted by The Enka Village Commission:
Enka Village Community Meeting Minutes
Thursday January 6, 2011
Enka Library
There were 13 community members present at the meeting.
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by the Enka Village Commission President
First order of business:
1. Introduction of all the meeting attendees who provided their names and addresses.
Each street in the neighborhood was represented with the exception of Lake Drive.
Second order of business:
1. Review of meeting minutes from the previous meeting:
A. Enka Village Commission President:
a. Reported on the presentation done by Martin Lewis from Lewis and
Associates regarding the proposed development located at the old Enka
Mill and also reported on
b. Reported on the request from the previous meeting that community
design guidelines or covenants are needed.
B. Enka Village Beautification Commissioner:
a. Reported on the Community Clean-up and community picnic which
were held during October of 2010. About 20 people turned out to help
clean up Mountain View Road. 3 bags of glass bottles to be recycled
were collected and 4 bags of other various trash were collected. 3
huge piles of fallen leaves plus raked leaves that neighbors have
dumped in the area were put into piles and the City came and
vacuumed them up. The Commission also called Progress Energy to
come fix a broken street light located on that street. The picnic
afterwards was also a success. Thank you to all who came out to help
make our neighborhood cleaner and safer for all who live here! We
appreciate your hard work and dedication!
b. Please make your request for any other areas of the community
(including private residences whose owner’s might need assistance
maintaining their property) that need to be cleaned up for our next
Community Clean-up scheduled for April 9, 2011.
c. There is also a Fall Community Clean-Up on October 8, 2011 so
please put it on your calendars!
d. There was a question from a community member meeting attendee
regarding the sink hole in the park that is currently surrounded by
chicken wire. This hole is an abandoned stormwater culvert that caved
in years ago. If anyone has any affordable design ideas or more
knowledge about this in regards to making it safer (fence around it,
etc.) please let the commission know.
C. Enka Village Commission Treasurer reported on the current financial situation
of the Community:
a. In September 2010 a total of $160.80 was spent ($40.80 on Progress
Energy Bill for Hillcrest Street lights, $50 for a meeting space fee, $70
for park mowing)
b. In October 2010 a total of $169.32 was spent ($40.22 on Progress
Energy Bill for Hillcrest Street lights, $59.10 for community picnic,
$70 for park mowing)
c. In November a total of $37.81 was spent ($37.81 on Progress Energy
Bill for Hillcrest Street lights)
d. In December a total of $52.38 was spent ($38.34 on Progress Energy
Bill for Hillcrest Street lights, $14.04 for stormwater fees)
e. There is currently $1,684.16 in the Community bank account
f. There is currently $2,792.35 in the Community CD
g. There is currently a total of $4,476.51 in community assets (the bank
account and the CD added together).
h. There is currently only enough money in the community account to
cover monthly community costs for another 4 or 5 months until the
money in the account is completely depleted.
Third order of business:
1. Assessments
a. There have been no community assessments for 3 years, which has led the
depletion of the community bank account.
b. Village assessments notices will be mailed to all homeowners by
March 1st.
c. All assessments should be returned by March 31st to PO Box 2 Enka
NC 28728
d. The original deed, which has never been legally altered, will be
followed in regards to how much each owner legally owes in assessments.
If anyone is able to give more than this amount it will be greatly
appreciate by all as the community actually needs around $40 a household
in order to cover this year’s financial obligations. This payment will only
be used to pay for the legal and financial obligations of the community.
e. What assessments are used for:
i. Park- Mowing, insurance, stormwater
ii. Street lights on Hillcrest
iii. PO Box to receive taxes, bills, City notices, and community
iv. Taxes (The stormwater tax is for the neighborhood’s public
impervious surface)
v. Other uses in the past have been in regards to keeping property
values at the same or increased levels and also community safety,
aesthetics, and cleanliness.
f. “Is insurance on the park necessary” was a valid question asked by a
community member present at the meeting. The answer according to a
legal opinion is; “Yes”. The reason is this; “Would we as a community
want to run the risk of someone suing us and the community having to pay
legal fees to fight the allegation?”
g. There was a motion to implement assessments for the Spring of 2011 in
order to be able to pay the legal obligatory fees and bills of the
community. There was a second to the motion. All community members
in attendance voted “YES” 13 YES. 0 NO.
The 2011 meeting schedule for the Community Meetings located at the
Enka Library at 7:00 is as follows:
April 7th (This is the meeting where a NEW COMMISSION will be voted in, please
try to attend)
July 7th
October 6th
The current Enka Village Commission’s goals are to keep our community A
Safe and Clean neighborhood for each and every resident’s enjoyment
while at the same time maintaining our property values and meeting our
legal obligations.
Friday, February 4, 2011
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