Enka Village Community Meeting October 16, 2008
Minutes Submitted by Emily Sutton Dezio
A word from the board: We want to thank all the homeowners for their concern and support for our assessment change vote. We realize this is not a traditional format for a vote, and that may cause some concern. However, the homeowners attending the August 28th meeting voted to bridge the reality of low homeowner participation with the mandate to have a majority of homeowners approve any change. Prior to the August 28th meeting, homeowners were given written notice that assessment changes were to be discussed. During the meeting, the homeowners arrived at a $25 flat rate through discussion and examination of our current income and expenses and approved this as Option 1. (The August 28, 2008 minutes reflect that 26 HOUSEHOLDS WERE REPRESENTED; 14 households voted to approve and 12 households voted against this. No household was double-counted). To further incorporate community desires, the homeowners attending the August 28th meeting voted and approved to assign a failure to vote as a vote for Option 1. We have notified homeowners of their options and have provided proxy voting for those unable to attend this meeting. As a board we are simply attempting to facilitate a sustainable solution to our budgeting requirements and will gain no personal benefit from whatever outcome the community votes on.
If you have deep concerns as to the validity of the vote, we welcome you to have our ballot system reviewed by your lawyer within the next two weeks. Unless a legal petition is filed by October 31, the board will proceed with enacting OPTION 2. We are setting this limit to allow each homeowner a chance to challenge to vote if so desired, but also to allow us to move forward with the changes if unchallenged. We will be implementing your choice before the upcoming assessments, due in February 2009.
We want to recognize the overwhelming participation in this vote and thank the community members for “getting out the vote.”
1. Vote on assessment change: OFFICIAL VOTE WAS FOR OPTION 2.
a. 52 VOTES (PAPER VOTES) FOR OPTION 2: Donate the Park to City of Asheville, Spend Down assessments on beautification projects; no further assessments.
b. 12 VOTES (PAPER VOTES) FOR OPTION 1: Raise assessments to FLAT rate of $25 per household per year
c. 5 VOTES FOR OPTION 3: Ignore the expense vs. income problem. And deal with the deficit when it occurs. We estimate as early 4 years without any unforeseen expenses, circumstances or otherwise.
e. Even though there was a majority vote for Option 2, a motion was made and seconded to re-vote on the issue of whether households who “failed to vote” should be counted for option 1. With 15 households represented, 12 voted to strike that and 3 voted that the August 28, 2008 approval should stand.
2. Our next step will be to initiate discussions with the City about donating the Park to the City of Asheville. Assuming they accept the responsibility of the Park; Mike Lloyd volunteered to assist the Board in drawing up the necessary documents. Our deed of ownership of the Park requires that it remain a Park forever. Our donation, if accepted, will contain language to maintain the Park as a park.
3. Treasurer’s report – Andre Fisher
CD $5,501.52 and Checking Balance: $2,168.93
4. Come make our park more beautiful! Mulching and Spring bulb planting on Saturday, October 25th from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. We will be planting bulbs around the sign, mulching our plants and replacing a dead tree. Free handful of bulbs for all who volunteer! Plant them around your mailbox at home to spread the cheer throughout the neighborhood! Call Emily Dezio at 242-6754 for more information.
5. Halloween set-up on Enka Hillcrest Street. Proposal accepted and passed to place physical barriers to block vehicles on Hillcrest to allow trick-or-treaters on foot while eliminating the hazardous traffic.
6. Leaf pick-up day for city vacuum is during the two weeks following November 3, 2008 and two weeks following January 5, 2008. Please rake your leaves to the curb, but do not block any drains. You can find more information online at the City of Asheville’s website. http://asheville.nc.us/residents/public_services/sanitation.
Let’s keep our new fall tradition alive by helping neighbors who are unable to rake their leaves.
7. If you're interested in buying an Enka Village license plate, contact Amber Cook at 665-1914 or ambercook714@yahoo.com. They're ready, so you can take one with you tonight! They're $12 each (payable to Enka Village Commission). Proceeds go toward beautification projects.
Board members:
Tiffany Salido, President 14 Enka Hillcrest 423-5390
Emily Sutton Dezio, Secretary 6 Enka Oak 242-6754
Robin Silver, Beautification 11 Enka Oak
Andre Fisher, Treasurer 19 Enka Orchard
Look for minutes, details, and updates on our website http://enkavillage.blogspot.com/
(Maintained by Amber Cook –Thanks!)
Topic for next meeting (as suggested by a resident at the 10/16 meeting): Possibility of making Enka Park streets one-way