Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meeting Minutes: August 28, 2008

Enka Village Commission Meeting Minutes August 28, 2008
26 Homeowners in attendance

1. Introduction of new board members

Tiffany Salido, President 14 Enka Hillcrest
Emily Sutton Dezio, Secretary 6 Enka Oak
Robin Silver, Beautification 11 Enka Oak
Andre Fisher, Treasurer 19 Enka Orchard

Treasurer’s Report: CD $5,501.52 and Checking Balance: $2,153.10

2. If you're interested in buying an Enka Village license plate, contact Amber Cook at 665-1914 or They're ready, so you can take one with you when you're ready! They're $12 each (payable to Enka Village Commission). Proceeds go toward beautification projects.

3. Old Enka bus stop – there was discussion about whether we could save the bus stop – but the costs outweigh anyone’s particular interests and the work/costs involved. The Construction Company, Taylor & Murphy, advised that it would not be demolished until Spring 2009. At that time, they can assist the Commission in recovering bricks for homeowners who would like a memorial keep-sake.

4. Community Picnic: Please consider ideas for community gatherings or picnics in the park; or street parties for our next meeting. We are seeking volunteers to organize!

5. Assessment Discussion: Because of the annual expenses (rental fees for PO Box, Maintaining Insurance for Park, Mowing for Park, Hillcrest Streets and Lights etc) the Commission can no longer operate under the assessments at $0.15 per road footage per household. The annual expenses outweigh our annual income. There was an extensive discussion analyzing what expenses we have – including whether or not we actually and in fact own the park, thereby making it necessary to pay for mowing and insurance. Enka Park Commission actually owns the Park. Reference Deed Book 806/Page 231 of Buncombe County Register of Deeds office.

The requirement to pay assessments is derives from the covenants which were adopted when each and every household was first sold to the community members. Failure to pay assessments gives the Commission authority to collect the fees owed by lien against the property. The restrictive covenants run with the land and attach to the house. Should you have any questions about your individual homeowner’s rights, please contact an attorney for a complete and thorough title examination.

We discussed three options for dealing with the dilemma of not having enough annual income to cover the annual expenses:

• Option 1: Raise assessments to a flat rate of $25 per household per year and continue business as usual

• Option 2: Donate Enka Park to the City of Asheville and eliminate assessments; Use the remaining funds on beautification of the neighborhood and an amount would be reserved for Hillcrest Lights

• Option 3: Ignore the expense vs. income problem. And deal with the deficit when it occurs. We estimate as early 4 years without any unforeseen expenses, circumstances or otherwise.


Vote will be conducted at the October 16th Community Meeting.

Vote may be made by proxy if you unable to attend meeting. To vote by proxy, Seal your vote in an envelope and mail to PO Box 2 Enka, NC 28728, or hand deliver to a board member. You can also appear at the October 16th community meeting at Enka Baptist Church at 7 p.m.


Our restrictive covenants, which are recorded in the Buncombe County Register of Deeds Office, require that there be a majority vote (at least 51 households) before any change to restrictive covenants. Raising the assessments to a FLAT RATE is a change to the covenants. In the event OPTION ONE passes, we will re-record the new covenants in the Buncombe County Registrar’s office. Accordingly, the homeowners in attendance of the August 28, 2008 meeting voted by majority vote that: Failure to participate or, in other words, failure to vote will be considered an automatic vote for Option 1.



HOUSEHOLD NAME: ___________________________________________________________

HOUSEHOLD PHYSICAL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________


______ OPTION ONE: Raise assessments to FLAT rate of $25 per household per year

______ OPTION TWO: Donate the Park to City of Asheville, Spend Down assessments on beautification projects; no further assessments.

______ OPTION THREE: Option 3: Ignore the expense vs. income problem. And deal with the deficit when it occurs. We estimate as early 4 years without any unforeseen expenses, circumstances or otherwise.

Look for minutes, details, and updates on our website
(Maintained by Amber Cook –Thanks!)