Friday, June 20, 2008

The License Plates Are In!

If you're interested in buying an Enka Village license plate, contact Amber Cook at 665-1914 or They're ready, so you can take one with you when you're ready! They're $12 each (payable to Enka Village Commission).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

May 15 EV Community Meeting Minutes

Enka Park Commission
May 15, 2008
Enka Baptist Church

Elections of Board Members: Glenn Satterfield, Brian & Amber Cook, Jo McGill and Anthony Devore are stepping down from their respective positions for the next commission. Nominations for the 2008/2009 Commission are as follows:

Tiffany Salido, President
Andre Fisher, Treasurer
Robin Silver, Beautification
Emily Dezio, Secretary
____________________________, Preservation

Ballots will be enclosed with mailed minutes to vote for the 2008/2009 Commission, to be returned to PO BOX 2, Enka NC 28728 no later than June 30, 2008. The persons named on the ballots are persons who were nominated and accepted the nomination.

Mowing of Park: We have secured lawn mowing for the summer 2008 season at a monthly cost of $90 per month. It will be mowed 3 times per month.

Dumpsters: Another huge success! Happy Spring Cleaning!

Quality Forward Planting: We have paid for the new trees for Orchard Street. We have used volunteer labor for planting. They have planted ½ of the trees. More to come!! Please take a drive down Orchard and check out the new trees.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance of $2,848 in checking; a c.d. totaling $5,406.56. The total cash available: $8,354.56 The annual assessments do not cover our annual bills, but were directed to be reduced after the Commission satisfied the sewer problems. The 2008/2009 Commission will have to review the annual bills to determine what adjustments need to be made.

License Tags: The tags are back by popular demand!! Get your Enka Village License Tag for $12.00. You can order them by emailing Amber Cook at, or by calling the Cook residence at 828-665-1914. Your contribution will be directly spent on the neighborhood beautification.

Website: Brian and Amber Cook have started a new website (rather than a blog) for Enka Village News, Updates, License plate ordering. This became necessary when we discovered that the development building Main Streets at Enka Village had secured all domains using “enkavillage”.

Mail Update: Mail service is now accessible for all of Enka Village since March 1, 2008. We are now on the National Database – such as mapquest, yahoo mapping etc. The Post Office recognizes our new signs.